House of Pitch for Investors

House of Pitch for Investors

House of Pitch for Investors

House of Pitch for Investors

Know every Early-stage Startup

For angel investors, early-stage VCs, and accelerators

Know every Early-stage Startup

For angel investors, early-stage VCs, and accelerators

Know every Early-stage Startup

For angel investors, early-stage VCs, and accelerators

Know every Early-stage Startup

For angel investors, early-stage VCs, and accelerators

Be the first to spot outstanding founders with promising ideas

Be the first to spot outstanding founders with promising ideas

Join House of Pitch for Investors

Join Techstars LA and Seattle, Hearst Ventures, Forum Ventures, Peak 6, Las Olas, LvlUp Ventures, Serac Ventures, and 150 angel investors, scouts, accelerators, and early-stage VC funds.

Early-stage startups

Whether you're an angel investor, a VC scout, or simply looking to expand your investment opportunities, House of Pitch provides a quick and engaging way to connect with early-stage startups seeking funding

Tinder-like mechanics

You will have your personalized feed of pitch cards in Tinder-like mechanics. Swipe left to pass, swipe right to explore a potential unicorn and connect with a founding team to develop relationships before other investors.

How It Works?

How It Works?

Easy Integration

Connect House of Pitch with Airtable, Notion, Google Sheets or Typeform to save information about startups you like.

Tags and filters

Filter out startups according to your thesis and preferences.

Save X10 time and cognitive effort

Our users report saving up to 10x the time and cognitive effort compared to traditional scouting methods.

Let’s make you the most informed investor in the industry

Contact HoP for more details

Let’s make you the most informed investor in the industry

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Short disclaimer: House of Pitch is fully compliant with personal data regulations. We never sell or share your data in any form.

Short disclaimer: House of Pitch is fully compliant with personal data regulations. We never sell or share your data in any form.

Short disclaimer: House of Pitch is fully compliant with personal data regulations. We never sell or share your data in any form.

Short disclaimer: House of Pitch is fully compliant with personal data regulations. We never sell or share your data in any form.

☮ House of Pitch 2023

☮ House of Pitch 2023

☮ House of Pitch 2023

☮ House of Pitch 2023